Monday, March 1, 2010

Spanish Wording For Wedding Reception

E 'Day here!

Marino confirms its vocation for the better at Albafor Cup! A great show, full of emotion, color, passion and, after all, even sports. At the bottom of why the show field was outclassed by the stands that offered by the Headquarters to complete. A special praise to the cheerleaders who opened the festival marines with a choreography worthy of a final superbowl American. On the pitch, under the command of an excellent Mr. Caramel, competed the formation of Pomezia, and Marino, seat holder of the trophy.
Meeting that met expectations before, with a sparkling and Pomezia Marino cynical to hit on the break. Pomeroy took the lead with Marino chasing, sometimes hampered by bad luck and woods of the goal.
The two technicians, Vendittelli
Toppi and fielding two teams that faced each other openly, without tactics and reasoning. At the end of the game, eleven channels were recorded in the notebook of the referee, as well as five poles affected by the two teams.
Entertainment then assured the audience that more than one hundred assiepavano the stands of the Stadio San Marino Barnabas.
Along with the athletes on the field, took part in the realization of the event show girls already mentioned, photographers and journalists, teachers and students who helped with banners and songs that have nothing to envy what you see on stands of the Olympic or Meazza.
All topped off with great fair play on the field and great accuracy in the stands. A feast, then, that reaffirms the validity of the system planning of a sporting event that experiences a different form through sport. Learning becomes a pleasure, through play experiences in the real world and applying the principles that are transmitted within the confines of classrooms in the training center.
"It 's moving - says the Director of Evaluation Giustinelli Marco, who, with colleague Stephen Tamburrini opened the event - see how the results we are getting with this initiative have exceeded our most optimistic expect ive. The Office of Marino, also thanks to Fabrice Toppi, is proving to be the leader at dell'Albafor Cup, live sport in the sign, integration (even athletes in the field from custom locations) and sharing. Special mention must also coach of Pomezia, Vendittelli Francis, coordinator of the Project "Special Olympic" in which children engage in sports with able-bodied colleagues with disabilities. E 'demonstration confirms that sport is an exceptional vehicle to combat prejudice and diversity. "


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