Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I-cather Console-web Monitor


Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at the Directorate of Evaluation will be held the organizational meeting of the referents of Activity Sports of sites, on the structure of the Second Edition dell'Albafor Cup
1. Organizing the event with analysis of the general issues
2. Course in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and use of the AED
3. Any other
for contributions and / or information:

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Gall Bladder Problems More Condition_treatment


Vendittelli Francis, a lecturer in Sector Albafor personalized courses and compulsory training, it was the testimonial Friday night at Lazio Rowing Club, the initiative of the Fondazione Giorgio castles non-profit organization to raise awareness to promote a culture of safe sport.
martial arts champion, Francis was invited, along with world champion Giacomo Volley ride and the vice champion of Italy's Hockey carrozziana, Michele Fierravanti,
to take their testimony in a frame that has seen the presence of names of excellence in sports, landscape, cultural and political capital. Present, among others, Mario Brozzi, former chief medical officer of AS Roma, autore di un intervento che ha toccato il tema della prevenzione delle morti per arresto cariopolmonare nell'ambito sportivo.
Vendittelli era accompagnato dal Direttore della Valutazione dell'Albafor, Marco Giustinelli, da sempre vicino alla Fondazione Castelli, con la quale collabora nel territorio del Comune di Albano.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Swing Sets Designs On Paper


La donazione di un apparecchio Defibrillatore all’Albafor ha aperto a Roma, Sabato 13 Giugno il Convegno "Prevenzione e gestione dell'arresto cardiaco: dall'Ospedale al Territorio", che ha visto the presence of more than 200 experts who discussed the theme of Sudden Cardiac Arrest, which increasingly affects mainly young athletes from the world of amateur sport. Following much debate about the state of emergency Culture in Italy that has seen the shine and constructive confrontation between Sen. Domenico Gramazio, and Hon. Maria Antonietta Farina Coscioni and the other participants
The Albafor was present at delivery apparatus with Francis Vendittelli, our Teacher of the Headquarters of Pomezia, and 1985 World Champion of Martial Arts, which has been awarded a long and warm applause from the audience, and the Director of Assessment Mark Giustinelli meeting that brought the greetings of President Dario Spaccatrosi and reiterated the attention that the Institute has always shown against the person, paying attention to the student at the center of the educational process.
In his speech, Giustinelli also stated the need for networking among all the institutions that are aimed sen
awareness among young people towards paths of solidarity and social commitment, ensuring that the defibrillator will made available to the large group of athletes who take exercise during the next year FormativoNel September, teachers and Students will be able to follow the course BLS-D (Basic Life Support and Defibrillation) that enables the use, held by the Volunteers of Onlus Fondazione Giorgio Castelli and enable participants to obtain certification by dell'Ares 118 , expendable labor market.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How To Keep Travel Trailers Clean


The beautiful experience dell'Albafor Cup came to an end. In the splendid setting of the Oratory of St. Barnabas Marino, over 200 students of the Institute have come together to compete for the coveted trophy, raffled by Italian Football Federation, for the place of business would best combination of sport and education.
Exceptional organization of the See of Marino, who, in full Albafor Style, welcomed the participants, from all locations, with an opening ceremony worthy of a World Championship: Music, majorettes and the more there's more there and so forth.
The day is structured along the semi-finals and finals of tournaments in volleyball and soccer, in both men and women. In a peaceful and inclusive, pupils and teachers enjoyed a day of sport as a moment of sharing and friendship and all shared their expertise and their enthusiasm and offered as a contribution to the success of the event. At the end of the day, were awarded trophies Albafor Cup, Marino went to the See of Rome as a center that has played the best combination of sport and education, building around the event sports a number of training opportunities which saw the accession of all components, and the Fair Play Trophy, awarded to the See of Colleferro for the behavior of the students in the field and as a general appreciation for participation in peaceful and devoid of animosity. Felix Award Michele Gravano, the soul of Project Albafor Cup, which has moved closer to his boys.
From a sporting perspective, made by masters in Pomezia Volleyball (ranked first in the field male and female) and Albano in Football with two amazing pairs of attack: Matthias / Aids in the male authors of a performance ... by Martians in the two races of the Velletri semifinal and final match with the landlord and Marino De Luca / Varese in women who have literally buried all their opponents so far encountered, in a real avalanche of goals.
The final results:

Men's Football
1. Albano
2. Marino
3. Colleferro
4. Velletri
5. Pomezia
6. Cecchina

Women's football
1. Albano
2. Cecchina
3. Velletri
4. Marino

Volleyball Men
1. Pomezia
2. Marino
3. Albano
4. Cecchina

Volleyball Women
1. Pomezia
2. Albano
3. Cecchina
4. Marino

Fair Play Trophy
1. Colleferro
2. Velletri
3. Marino
4. Albano
5. Cecchina
6. Pomezia

Albafor Cup
1. Marino
2. Albano
3. Colleferro
4. Cecchina
5. Velletri
6. Pomezia

Tournament Play Station (PSE 2009)
1. Simone Bartolocci

On the final ranking was influenced by the unsportsmanlike conduct of Pomezia, and snipers, the last day of the championship of men's football tournament, have created an unedifying spectacle, which cost the two football teams disqualification and relegation in last place in the standings.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Bipolar 2 Disorder More Condition_symptoms

clarification on the situation of law in Rg

these days is finally coming to light emergency universities. This is a situation that generally reported by time (just read the post some time ago on www.circolouniversitario.blogspot.com) and this is especially true for law, my faculties.
But certainly I do not write this note to complain of being accused of scaremongering and the like.
Since I have the honor of being at your service as a faculty adviser, at this juncture, I must also especially interested in the problems of our faculty and to interact with our representatives to Ct. In this regard I thank the faculty adviser Mark Cuttone. And 'thanks to him that constantly filter the few information that I have communicated and will continue to communicate.

Law at the present time is perhaps the option open "better." As for the other option is spoken in almost all cases, closing the block, in our case we are guaranteed that if nothing else at risk, there is only the first year.
This is what has emerged since the last Faculty Council. E 'since the middle of March that he knew or would have been paid € 600,000 to the University of Catania, or the first-year law would not have been activated (for this you can read threads sul gruppo Fb Giurisprudenza Ragusa).
Alcune menti politiche letteralmente folli hanno ritenuto di dover tenere nascosta la notizia, gridando urbi et orbi che era tutto ok,era tutto risolto.
Oggi ci veniamo così a trovare con l'acqua alla gola, considerato che la somma deve essere corrisposta entro la fine di maggio.
La nostra situazione penso sia la più scandalosa in assoluto, sia per il numero di iscritti della facoltà e sia perchè lo stesso Preside è assolutamente d'accordo sulla sua sopravvivenza, visto e considerato che le statistiche ci dicono che a Ragusa ci si laurea prima e con voti più elevati.
Una facoltà virtuosa che rischia di scomparire per incapacità amministrativa e gestionale.
Ma it is useless to tear his hair and protest only.

First we will turn our senators, academics and members of the Board of Directors in Catania. We will try to understand whether the chancellor should perform a few more passing in these two organs, and if so of course we will try to mitigate its position.
certainly will conduct a political struggle: in these cases must be apolitical in the sense to consult all political forces. Unfortunately it is precisely the political bodies that decide on these issues and then each of us must turn its channels to try to reach a settlement.

Moreover, the main problem remains the lack of approval of the Statute del Consorzio Universitario alla provincia; non si capisce bene perchè il presidente Antoci non abbia la benchè minima intenzione di approvarlo (oggi vedremo cosa deciderà il Consiglio Provinciale in materia).Se lo statuto sarà approvato saremo già ad un passo dalla soluzione, se consideriamo che sarà possibile allargare la base societaria del consorzio con l'ingresso di nuovi soci e nuovi fondi.

Queste ed altre misure spero possano servire per superare la fase dell'emergenza.
Successivamente sarà necessario analizzare le responsabilità di ciò e giungere finalmente ad un maggiore coinvolgimento degli studenti nel Consorzio Universitario ed in tutte le istituzioni che si occupano di università. Devono essere coinvolti i Comuni, chiamati solo a versare soldi (che tra l'altro poi non danno nemmeno) senza avere alcun potere decisionale. E che dire poi dei sindacati, la Confindustria e le altre associazioni? Siamo la provincia più ricca della Sicilia: è mai possibile che gli imprenditori ed altri soggetti non sentano il bisogno di garantirsi una formazione di qualità? Esperienze simili in altre parti d'Italia e della Sicilia (vedesi la Kore di Enna) hanno funzionato e stanno dando i loro frutti.
Per adesso pensiamo a superare l'emergenza,poi si vedrà.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hepatitis A Condition_symptoms

But the sky is always bluer

Credo sia doveroso fare una qualche riflessione about what is happening in Pozzallo for some time now, hoping to enrich political debate is already well developed.
For some time I noticed there is now the fashion to call or worse, not deserting the municipal councils. The elders are prey to a myriad of internal divisions and is destabilized by recruitment drive carried out by 'Mr Minardo, who now have no fewer than five advisers and a municipal councilor.
All the latest tips jumped almost always due to the absence of Idea Center (the movement which is headed by Nino Minardo), due to "legitimate" expectation of a reshuffle come in with la nomina di un secondo assessore di stampo minardiano.
In politica certe cose ci sono sempre state e ci saranno ma ad onor del vero non ricordo mai nulla di così squallido. Un esempio? Dopo lo slittamento dell'ultimo Consiglio Comunale ho trovato diversi consiglieri seduti tranquillamente al bar e ciò è di una gravità assoluta. In passato avrebbero almeno sentito l'esigenza di nascondersi, oggi si fa tutto alla luce del sole e tutto sembra concesso per la legge dei numeri. La maggioranza acquista consiglieri e si blinda, non capendo che il consenso non si misura in base ai consiglieri che hai.
Questo atteggiamento sta causando danni gravi alla città, if we consider that basically is not decided. The City Council is progressively stripped of his duties and everything is decided by the Executive and offices. The Master Plan is now the prerogative of the office and he is given a value policy, so much so that the Mayor has not even been able to motivate certain choices of convenience (which also fell within the remit of the Council).
The only thing that 's deep Directors his energy is a campaign of hatred and mystification against those who have previously administered Pozzallo.
last Sunday in which they distributed leaflets attacking Ammatuna and the young democrats in the question pool, subscriptions, public garden. This is part of a normal political except that the council Sulsenti merely criticize, not only makes suggestions and tries to scratch and only the work of the previous Administration, which still continues to be praised by pozzallesi.
How could it be praised today's work?
We are making unfair and unconscionable budget choices: to fund Nights Blu cut their hours for employees of the cooperatives that already do not receive the salary thirteen months.
Mayor and Aldermen will liquidate all their allowances and cry poverty, even offering to pay the kids a ticket subscriptions starting next school year.
E 'has just approved a three-year plan of public works that borders on the ridiculous: you attention two or three secondary roads and absolutely nothing is earmarked for infrastructure development of our city. Perhaps it is only natural considering that the project of securing the port presented in Palermo consists of a couple of scribbled sheets (it seems to have provoked hilarity in the various offices of Palermo).
The road system and signage? Objectively, it is the area where we recently made worse (just look at the previous post). We asked several times why Kennedy Avenue was made one-way, despite being one of the larger arteries of the city and serve as escape route in case of natural disaster. But asking is useless, because they both have the numbers.
You make choices against unions, students, municipal employees. You try to put against each other for example when he says to the employees of cooperatives whose entitlements will be paid if the local for a month to give up their salary.
The liberal state is based on the principle that the state to serve citizen. Pozzallo is now here in the city have to be the service of the City, having to suffer the biggest scam of our city.
On one hand, exacerbate the taxes, it widens the range of 'tax and threatened not to provide essential services if not, upon payment of the' ICI and other taxes, all this does not reflect a real increase in services and we all feel cheated and squeezed.
what about the synergies that you had boasted Sulsenti? A few days ago is not even going to Dubrovnik for an initiative that saw the participation of the President of Lombardo. Today the Mayor on Video Region has complained about the complete absence the national government on funding for immigration. And where are the synergies? And why then if the Hon. Ammatuna ago to have the City of Pozzallo almost € 800,000 for the salaries we get angry and do not even know what happened to that money?
Maybe it will be better to postpone these questions for now because they are all committed to state that pozzallesi have no history and therefore must participate in mass historical seminars for the 180th anniversary of the birth of Pozzallo.
course as a soundtrack to sing all but the sky is always bluer. Perhaps in this way we will remember the blue nights, which, after ten days, are already dead and buried without having contributed in any way to the growth and economic development of our city!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Funny Wedding Communication Image

The video with all the photos of "Greetings from Pozzallo"

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Male Brazilian Wax Ann Arbor

Pozzallo-Greetings from the "pearls"

Young Democrats have won the battle on subscriptions. It 'just run a loud alarm and mobilize to ensure that the Administration Sulsenti release the funds for the issue of subscriptions. We thank Mr
Ammatuna, who played a key role in the solution of the problem affecting the regional minister responsible and thus allowing the funds were released.

But certainly we do not stop here.
The streets of our city pay more in total degradation: potholes, streets that flood with two drops of water scattered signals in a neutral (just think of the impossibility of embarking on the route to go to Mario Rapisardi Ispica). Ruta
The commissioner does not seem to see the congestion and the enormous difficulties that face pozzallesi so.

Sunday morning to present the national campaign "Greetings from Pozzallo: the pearls of our town." Distribute citizenship to all the material collected fotogratico: signs attached to poles, holes, insane and meaningless signals (above right you will find a collage of these images).
In light of all the Young Democrats calling for the immediate resignation of Pozzallo Ruta councilor for his inability to deal with before they solve the problems of the city, which are visible to everyone.
's commissioner for traffic competing for a time and a meaningful gesture of love for his city: Ruta go home!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spine Disorders More Condition_symptoms

safety of our town schools: Pozzallo is a happy island!

The tragic events linked to the earthquake in Italy have placed before the eyes of all the security problem in schools.

In Sicily, where engineers Protezione Civile hanno effettuato dei test antisismici, su 48 edifici pubblici controllati solo 5 sono in regola.

Da un'inchiesta, pubblicata sul quotidiano "La Repubblica" dello scorso 16 aprile, è apparso un quadro sconfortante della Sicilia: in provincia di Ragusa solo Pozzallo (insieme ad altri quattro comuni siciliani) è risultato essere un esempio virtuoso da imitare giacchè le scuole sono state realizzate a prova di terremoto.

D'altronde il lavoro svolto dall' Amministrazione a guida Ammatuna è conosciuto da tutti: sono stati messi in sicurezza gli edifici scolastici dei plessi "Pandolfi", "Rogasi" e "Don Gnocchi"; si has obtained a loan of € 450 000 for the school "Raganzino" (whose work is in progress) and was instructed engineers to prepare a project to obtain funding for the "Rapisardi.

The buildings that house schools "Love" and "Palamentano" were built according to seismic criteria.

be able to send their children to school without anxiety, the worry of mind, the worry for their safety is a fact of civilization, a real protection for the right to education of boys and a guarantee of peace of mind for families.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Poor Diet More Condition_symptoms

University, Young Democrats hope a workable solution for the branch of Modica. (Press release)

GD I spoke on the latest developments on the fate of the Faculty of Sciences of the Government of Modica, in the hope that the political and academic institutions converge toward a solution that preserves the training in the province of Ragusa and finding ways affordable to local authorities concerned.

"The right of government scientists is an important reference point for many students and families in the province of Ragusa, and beyond, and provides, inter alia, to many young people - says John Scala, provincial secretary of the Young Democrats - a path of academic training, which otherwise could not support themselves.

We recognize, however, the economic difficulties faced by some local members of the Consortium.

E 'should, therefore, continue the path taken by the Consortium, the Mayor and the Head of the Course Buscema, the Prof.Barone.

How Young Democrats are confident in the important work of mediation with the University of Catania, the Board of the University Consortium is doing, hoping as soon as possible to come up with concrete solutions.

must quickly give clear answers about the future of faculty to students enrolled or those who intend to enroll for the next academic year in the course of government scientists. "