Thursday, March 11, 2010

License Renewal Columbus Oh


Mercoledì 10 Marzo, alla Sala della Protomoteca del Campidoglio, l'Agenzia Regionale del Lazio per i Trapianti e le Patologie Connesse ha realizzato il convegno "Patto di Solidarietà per la Vita", con la partecipazione dei Sindaci del Lazio e di personalità della cultura, della Medicina, dello Sport.
L'Albafor partecipava in veste di sponsor istituzionale con settanta, tra allievi e docenti, molti dei quali protagonisti dell'Albafor Cup, la manifestazione sportiva, giunta alla sua terza edizione, che vede protagoniste le Sedi operative dell'Albafor sul territorio del Lazio.
Presenti i Direttori Brugnoli Simona Albano, Antonio Micheli Cecchina, Domenico Chiaro Valmontone, Stephen Marino and Tamburrini John Bonfrate Deputy Director of the See of Pomezia. Staff to organize the event with the Director of the Evaluation Giustinelli Marco, Emanuela Romeo Fabio Ferrarini the coordination of the reception and at the technical and logistical.
Giustinelli Marco was the first speaker of the event. Here is the text of:
"E 'with great emotion that I rise to thank the hospitality and the City of Rome Mayor Alemanno and welcomed by the Working Group of the Regional Agency of Lazio for Transplantation and diseases related to the mayors of Lazio and representatives of institutions, schools, associations and all those who are present at this meeting is that, for years, a milestone on the path to building a culture of giving and solidarity in our region.
As a teacher first and then as a manager dell'Albafor SpA, I wish to share with you the importance of this event, which marks an ideal meeting point of four routes that converge in bringing the message of the Culture of Life. A short walk from this wonderful room, in what was once the Circus Maximus, the first Christian martyrs shed their blood to witness the message of peace that reached the estremi confini del mondo. Idealmente, ci uniamo a quello spirito per far partire da questo evento lo stesso invito alla Solidarietà ed alla generosità.
Uno dei più grandi Pontefici del secolo appena trascorso, Giovanni Battista Montini, papa Paolo VI, oltre trenta anni fa, scriveva che questa generazione non ha bisogno di maestri, ma di testimoni. E mai, come oggi , questa affermazione torna di stringente attualità. In un momento dove i messaggi che arrivano ai nostri giovani sono spesso controversi, e dove la cultura dominante sembra essere sempre più imperniata sui personalismi e sull’egoismo, sull’apparire ad ogni costo, questa manifestazione – e le attività che l’hanno preceduta e che la seguiranno - Wants to be a rather strong and clear evidence of the need to work together to build a true culture of life, based on sharing and its attention to another.
The choice of training, as the star of this moment, was not dictated by the case: today more than ever it is a reality of the border, a barrier to early school leavers, an alternative, perhaps the last, to the culture of "high and indifference. And 'this is the land where two generations come together, to unite in a ideal Solidarity Pact.
This meeting, which sees the present mayors of more than one hundred municipalities in Lazio, the representatives of regions and provinces, students and teachers representing more than 2,000 children who are participating in initiatives related to promoting the culture of donation, would like to strongly reiterate this setting and on this basis were organized events that represent the premise and the summary of the day: I
Mayors of Lazio will sign the Pact of Solidarity for Life. A formal commitment, through which they express support for the work of spreading the culture of donation, promoted by the Lazio Regional Agency for Transplantation and related disease. A concrete example of how local institutions want to be close to the city, even and especially when it is found in conditions of hardship and suffering which may essere la drammatica necessità di un trapianto d’organi.
La scuola, attraverso la partecipazione al Concorso “I Giovani per la promozione della Vita” che ha visto il contributo degli allievi e dei Docenti delle Sedi dell’Istituto Superiore di Formazione, Ricerca e Sviluppo Albafor SpA di Albano, Cecchina, Velletri, Valmontone, Marino, Colleferro e Pomezia e dell’Istituto di Nettuno. Attività di riflessione, di discussione, di testimonianza portate all’interno degli istituti scolastici e formativi da parte di medici e personaggi dello sport e della cultura, ottimamente coordinate dalla presenza e dalla professionalità di tanti docenti che si sono coinvolti con entusiasmo in questa avventura.
Lo Sport, che ha visto coinvolte due tra le maggiori Federazioni presenti sul nostro territorio: La Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio, attraverso il Comitato Regionale della Lega Nazionale Dilettanti e del Settore Giovanile e Scolastico e la Federazione Italiana Volley. Le rappresentative regionali e provinciali porteranno sulle loro maglie di allenamento il logo della Agenzia dei Trapianti e saranno i testimonial nel prossimo Torneo delle Regioni che si svolgerà nella settimana precedente la Pasqua in Umbria ( calcio ) e nel Torneo delle Provincie di Volley che si terrà a Roma a fine aprile e rappresenterà il prologo del Mondiale di Volley che sarà ospitato quest’anno in Italia.
Le Associazioni e i volontari, che con il loro impegno e la loro participation by qualified and competent, have allowed many of these events is done without effective and that the message of the donations received charge of its more authentic. Among others include the creation of the play Oedipus the King that the Youth Association "The Circle of Scipio" by the City of Albano will stage in the coming weeks to raise awareness among secondary school pupils of their city on issues related to organ transplantation.
In conclusion, I feel obliged to emphasize the human and professional contribution that Prof. Carlo Umberto Casciani has made available to spread the culture of life and organ donation in particular. E' una figura di sicuro riferimento per i nostri giovani. Una autentica testimonianza dell'impegno costante e costruttivo che una personalità della sua levatura sta profondendo a favore della diffusione di una sensibilità condivisa verso chi attende il trapianto come unica soluzione terapeutica.
Ringrazio infine la Dr.ssa Anna Laganà Madia per lo straordinario impegno nell'organizzazione di questa manifestazione e per averci voluto coinvolgere nell'organizzazione.
Per ultimo, vorrei lasciarvi con un dono particolare, una frase di Madre Teresa di Calcutta che ci viene in sostegno, quando crediamo che il nostro contributo sia troppo piccolo, rispetto a quello che vorremmo, per essere una soluzione ai problemi che andiamo affrontando:

"What we do
is only a drop in the ocean.
but if there was that drop
miss the ocean. "

Thanks and good job.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dental Collection Letter Samples


An exceptional teacher gave a lecture to thirty students of the See of Albano dell'Albafor. Giancarlo
"Picchio De Sisti, football legend Italian, star of the historic match between Italy Germany World Cup in Mexico '70, met for two hours the boys Albano, talking about football, values, sports and gathering attention that teachers present tell, smiling, he never found in the history of the Institute.
Accompanied by Barbara Benedetti, Secretary of the Youth and School of the Italian Football Federation, "Woodpecker" was incorporated in the executive offices of the Director of Evaluation, Marco Giustinelli, promoter of the event, and Dario Spaccatrosi, former President of ' Institute of Education, which led the official greeting to the distinguished and described dell'Albafor Guests of the goals of education and training initiatives of an organized sport under the "hat" Albafor Cup
Subsequently De Sisti and Benedetti have traveled to the Headquarters of Albano, where the staff of the Director Simone Brugnoli prepared the meeting with the boys . Passing in the hallway of the school, "Woodpecker" was recognized by staff and several students who have taken advantage of the great sympathy and readiness of the sample of Roma and Fiorentina for autographs and photos of the rite.
Prof. Michele Gravano has tracked down old period films, Giancarlo De Sisti depicting the highlights of his Mexican adventure, and what is called unanimously "the game of the century": Italy, Germany, 4 to 3 over for the Azzurri, which allowed our athletes to contend the Rimet Cup to Brazil's star Pele, Rivelino and Jairzinho.
With a simplicity and ability to capture the attention worthy of an experienced teacher, De Sisti told stories for two hours, emotions and memories of that wonderful adventure, interrupted only by the applause of the audience.
"A different way to teach - Giustinelli said - but equally effective and engaging that shows that we can talk about important things through simple language and close to the boys. And the style that the director and his collaborators wanted Brugnoli to the Headquarters of Albano is definitely in the direction of integrating tradition and innovation, promoting all the initiatives that attract the attention of the student in a context of integrated education. "
At the end of the former blue chatted with the guys who have flooded with requests for autographs, glad to shake hands and exchange a joke with a man so humble and helpful, however competent and engaging.
Students have ripped "Woodpecker" the promise to return to Albano to continue this wonderful experience.
Nice encore which saw Mr Rosario Romeo, big fan of red and yellow, healing Champion with a football chant that has attracted the laughter of those present.
Earlier, Fabio Ferrarini, operator BLS-D, consisting of the Fondazione Giorgio Castelli, had attached to the wall of the entrance of the Business Office, a plaque indicating the site as a "cardioprotective Area" with the presence of an AED device and of lay workers are entitled to use it.
A beautiful day, and sport-lived as the construction of the Culture of Life.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spanish Wording For Wedding Reception

E 'Day here!

Marino confirms its vocation for the better at Albafor Cup! A great show, full of emotion, color, passion and, after all, even sports. At the bottom of why the show field was outclassed by the stands that offered by the Headquarters to complete. A special praise to the cheerleaders who opened the festival marines with a choreography worthy of a final superbowl American. On the pitch, under the command of an excellent Mr. Caramel, competed the formation of Pomezia, and Marino, seat holder of the trophy.
Meeting that met expectations before, with a sparkling and Pomezia Marino cynical to hit on the break. Pomeroy took the lead with Marino chasing, sometimes hampered by bad luck and woods of the goal.
The two technicians, Vendittelli
Toppi and fielding two teams that faced each other openly, without tactics and reasoning. At the end of the game, eleven channels were recorded in the notebook of the referee, as well as five poles affected by the two teams.
Entertainment then assured the audience that more than one hundred assiepavano the stands of the Stadio San Marino Barnabas.
Along with the athletes on the field, took part in the realization of the event show girls already mentioned, photographers and journalists, teachers and students who helped with banners and songs that have nothing to envy what you see on stands of the Olympic or Meazza.
All topped off with great fair play on the field and great accuracy in the stands. A feast, then, that reaffirms the validity of the system planning of a sporting event that experiences a different form through sport. Learning becomes a pleasure, through play experiences in the real world and applying the principles that are transmitted within the confines of classrooms in the training center.
"It 's moving - says the Director of Evaluation Giustinelli Marco, who, with colleague Stephen Tamburrini opened the event - see how the results we are getting with this initiative have exceeded our most optimistic expect ive. The Office of Marino, also thanks to Fabrice Toppi, is proving to be the leader at dell'Albafor Cup, live sport in the sign, integration (even athletes in the field from custom locations) and sharing. Special mention must also coach of Pomezia, Vendittelli Francis, coordinator of the Project "Special Olympic" in which children engage in sports with able-bodied colleagues with disabilities. E 'demonstration confirms that sport is an exceptional vehicle to combat prejudice and diversity. "