Thursday, May 18 the Joint Commission has approved a proposal to increase taxes that will be around 38%. The University di Catania infatti ha deciso che, in seguito ai tagli ministeriali disposti dal dl 270/2004 e che ammontano a 1.441.500.000 € tolti al F.F.O. (Fondo di Finanziamento Ordinario) 2009/2013, reperirà i fondi necessari dai contributi versati dallo studente.
Il massimale di questo anno accademico si aggira intorno ai 1200-1300 €, l’anno prossimo il massimale sarà di 2000 € (quote entrambe relative alla quinta fascia).
Tale proposta verrà ratificata dal Senato Accademico e poi successivamente passerà al vaglio del Consiglio di Amministrazione di Ateneo che, effettuando una ratifica definitiva, will implement this measure.
Although the Senators were elected by the students agreed unanimously in rejecting this proposal, they are only 5 out of 50 members, so their vote would not have much impact, but to give a meaningful message protest.
The Education Commission and the rector himself stated that with the current funds can hardly pay salaries to all employees (staff, faculty, researchers, deans) and if you do not make these increases, the University is likely the commissioner, which would mean a probable failure of the entire University of Catania.
With the policy of cuts and with the input of the courses programmed number (which in fact are limited), the funds will decrease even further in the fees of a large number of freshmen year will fail.
Let us look more closely at the numbers:
cut dell'FFO (State Fund) is 25%, which means that public spending for 'State University will undergo a drastic reduction of financial resources.
Significant increases in tuition fees of our university, which next year will not take account of ICE but the ISEE (basically if you have property you must declare them, which increases the value of income and thus belonging to a band highest income):
base rate of 09-10: 190 € +85 € +14,62 € = € 289.62
base rate of 10-11: +14,62 € 400 € +85 € = € 499.62
This means that a student will pay at least the first band of 500 € against 290 of this year.
The entire calculation is then performed as follows:
1, range) from 0 € to € 16,000.00, only tax base;
2 ° range), from € 16,000.00 to € 23,000.00: base + tax contribution option + 10 € € per 1000 reported,
3 ° range), from € 23,000.00 to € 33,000.00: taxes contribution base + faculty + 35 € per 1000 € dichiarati;
4° fascia) da 33.000,00€ a 45.000,00€: tassa base + contributo facoltà + 45€ ogni 1000€ dichiarati;
5° fascia) da 45.000,00€ in su si pagherà il massimale da 2000€.
Circa la 5° fascia il Senato è stato poco chiaro. In ogni caso, sembra proprio assurdo che chi dichiara 45mila euro annui (due stipendi statali bastano) debba pagare quanto chi ne dichiari ad esempio 300mila.
Al Senato è stata avanzata la proposta che vede aumentate da cinque a nove le fasce of income in order to make a better redistribution of taxes, by entering new segments between the third and fourth and fifth after the other.
This proposal was accepted by the Administration and will pass the Senate. There are good intentions and it is expected that this proposal can be accepted.
Even the scholarships will reduce by 33%. The repayments will in fact reduced by two to one band which can be accessed since the average of 28 and 70% of the credits for the first year average of 28, all subjects in the preceding years plus 70% of claims of 'year.
All faculty will be a limited access, and how many of us know, you pay the entrance test from 35 € to 50 €. These costs are used to pay those companies selected from various faculties in the care of the correction of the tests.
The Sicilian Region enjoys "training funds" amounting to approximately EUR 100 million. We are advancing the proposal to the region so that the money be reinvested in Education Sicilian, so surely make up for cuts inflicted by our "beloved" government.
must move the protest on two floors, a local tax for the Theme and the other on a national scale against the 1905 bill that actually kills the Public University.
We need to move, otherwise we will have in our minds the weight of the failure of our university and the entire University system italiano.E 'was opened for a press conference on Monday 24 at eleven o'clock in the Faculty of Political Sciences in order to plan the future strategies. The Senate will meet on May 28. We have no time. Mobilize!
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