Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pernicious Anemia More Condition_treatment


Marino at the operational headquarters of the pilot course was held BLS (Basic Life Support), contained within the activities dell'Albafor Cup 2011. The project "definitely Sport" is a joint collaboration between the Directorate of Evaluation, who handles the organization of sporting activities within the entity, and the Fondazione Giorgio Castelli "Onlus, the reference frame of the Italian Football Federation in the field of spreading the culture of emergency in sports, education and youth.

Sono state formate, con successo, diciotto allieve del Corso “Operatore del Benessere” che, divise in due gruppi di lavoro, nelle quattro ore di lezione teorico pratiche, si sono alternate nelle esercitazioni di rianimazione su manichino, guidate, sotto la supervisione di Valerio Castelli, Direttore della Formazione della Fondazione che porta il nome del fratello Giorgio, vittima di un arresto cardiaco sul campo di calcio di Tor sapienza, da Marco Giustinelli e Fabio Ferrarini che, dopo essere stati formati negli anni passati come operatori laici BLSD e qualificati dall’Ares 118, hanno volentieri indossato i panni di assistenti di Valerio castelli, affiancando le allieve nelle manovre di rianimazione cardiopolmonare.

Saturday also a well-known protagonist of the film world, the actor Raoul Bova, was interviewed by our colleague, Professor of Operations at Velletri, Arianna Saroli, the need for training of this kind and, in microphone interviewer, he replied:

Mr. Bova, how important is the safety in sport and how important is conveying the concept of prevention in other areas?

Who is in charge of prevention must make information available to all sports facilities which is essential for the prevention of heart attacks or not disregard any of the structures that can be dangerous, unsafe, and cause damage of various kinds. The first aid courses are essential for the prevention but also for the attention to others. I still remember having done in school and I remember with great pleasure because it is still something that is useful to me with my children, to know which are the foundations, principles of first aid, also to have some confidence and do not enter panicking in difficult situations, have control of the situation means not wasting second key to saving a life. And it is important that in areas where many people gather, the airport, to meeting rooms, the metropolitan in places considered "at risk", however, where the first aid does not arrive, these are tools, such as the defibrillator, which can gain you precious moments, no one could stop an airplane to provide immediate relief, to stop a train would cost too much valuable time, these are the places which should be structured points of first aid gear, small emergency room, suitable to receive and deal with first aid.

Even Rita Castle, co founder of the Foundation and also last year at the closing event was dell'Albafor Cup intervistata sull’argomento:

“Più si è a conoscenza del problema – afferma - più si può agire, quindi ben venga l’unione tra le istituzioni, tra le associazioni, il tutto con lo scopo di fare lo sport in sicurezza, cioè porre la salute di chi pratica lo sport al di sopra di tutto e di tutti. L’unione fa la forza. Io inserirei il corso BLS-D come materia di studio a scuola; così come si studia matematica, fisica e altre materie si potrebbero studiare le manovre principali per salvare una vita umana. Purtroppo nei ragazzi non c’è neanche la conoscenza che il 118 è il numero da formare to call the medical emergency. Begin to educate their children as early as the simple emergency call is already a step forward. "

Ms. Castelli, in other European countries and beyond is the massive presence of defibrillators in places that are not closely related to sport such as airports, train stations, schools. Think we're on the right track so that even in Italy the presence of defibrillators should also extend to areas not closely linked to sport?

"The defibrillator is used not only in sports but in life every day because of cardiac arrest are dying everywhere, the mall, as well as at the airport or train station. Of crucial importance is then to continue the culture mainly through the emergence of the first impartizione important concepts to help a person. It is statistically proven that in the places where semi-automatic defibrillators were implanted it has gone from a mortality of approximately 90% survival of over 70%, as the airport in Chicago, such as Las Vegas, as well as some cities Brazil and Mexico. So the spread of semiautomatic defibrillation certainly can reverse death rates in survival rates. Where he has managed to get in the first 4-5 minutes after cardiac arrest with the life-saving operations and using the defibrillator there was 30-40% of the salvation of people, and it is not little.

At the end of the course, the Director of the Office, Laura Throop gave the students a certificate of participation in the BLS course, between the general satisfaction of the whole group.

"I must admit - said the head of the evaluation Giustinelli Marco - that our children (although in this case it was only for girls) never cease to amaze me. They tackled the course with a seriousness and an application that is rarely found even in adult groups. And 'demonstrated that when the training is the right levers, the students respond with enthusiasm and with excellent results. And I'm glad that you confirm Albafor a genuine incubator of new initiatives and stimulate professional growth and human young are entrusted to us. And do instructors alongside Valerio was for me and my colleague Fabio Ferrarini a very positive experience to be made available also in other locations of the students of the institution. "

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bazilian Waxing Clips

Sunday, February 20, 2011

South Park Fish Sticks Lyrics

February 19 - Alfonsina Oasis Fiorita

low temperature (I finally understood the meaning of "greenhouse Cold"), but hot weather, even late in the third round of the season nearly incandescent with Alfonsina. Ben
clothes (almost all) our coats to listen to the always welcome comments and suggestions on our piante.
Ogni volta apprendiamo quanto siano importanti anche i dettagli, e quanto sbagliati sia accontentarsi di conoscere i princìpi generali di una cosa.
Il rinvaso, ad esempio. consideratoo quasi una banale operazione di routine, è invece fondamentale ler una delleparti principali del bonsai, il nebari; Grazie al bell'Acero buergeriano di Erika abbiamo approfondito i concetti radice per radice.
Con la Chaenomeles di Michela abbiamo imparato che sì è necessario conoscere il comportamento di una determinata specie, ma che il bonsai si progetta e realizza specificamente su ogni specifico esemplare. Siamo stati a lungo a ragionare in pratica gemma per gemma su di una pianta, con grande interesse.
abbiamo visto come sia possibile designing a total dismantling of a bonsai pot with over 20 years, as the ivy of the Navy.
We saw a twisted core of bonsai on track, a wild olive be called patience, which is becoming a potentilla a beautiful Mame, an oak stretching its way ....
short of a full alfonsina
See you at the next meeting March 26, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Auto Auction In Fredericton


The operational headquarters of Albano joined the project "... Surely Sport", with two courses to be held BLS at the See of St. Paul's Square in the month of March.

Blueprint Wooden Swingset

Albafor CUP - BLS COURSE TO THE MARINE February 23, 2011

It 's the Headquarters of Marino that will launch the activities dell'Albafor Cup 2011, the BLS course, which will be held on Wednesday, February 23 from 12:00 to 16:30.
The course, taught by instructors of the Fondazione Giorgio Castelli non-profit organization working since 2009 with the Directorate of Evaluation in dell'Albafor Cup, will be directed to the students and dell'Albafor students who attend the training centers that, as Marino, I request it.
At the end of the course, lasting 4 hours, will receive a certificate to the participants.

Autism Spectrum More Condition_symptoms

started operations' CUP 2011 Albafor

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quotes Fishticks Southpark

evening of February 16, 2011 Evening

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yamaha Outboard Salvage


As scheduled, Wednesday evening February 16, 2011 when the partners can come to terms with the practical experience of layering.
The important thing is' PARTICIPATE!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pitching Machines Toronto

Outcomes of written tests in the Cla ord. '93, Of Clape and Clasarch 03.02.2011

are published in their web pages of the Faculty of the results of written tests 3:02:11 Cla ord. '93 of Corsivo Clape and Clasarch .

The oral tests will take place as per instructions in previous posts.

Mirko Bisulli