are published on the website of the Faculty of the appeal of the exam dates from January to February (the third session of exams ego. a. 2009-2010 and the first session of the ego. a. 2010-2011).
We carry the following dates for the written tests for the courses Clasarch , Clape , Cla ord. '93 and Clamarch .
Clasarch, consideration of economic evaluation of the project:
- 03/02/2011, 09:00 am, Classroom 0.3 Stock 6;
Clape, examining Estimate:
- 03/02/2011, 09:00 am, Classroom 0.3 Stock 6;
Cla ord. '93 Consideration of Appraisal:
- 03/02/2011, 09:00 am, Classroom 0.3 Stock 6;
- 09/02/2011, at 09: 00, hall 1.7 Stock 6.
For examinations of Clasarch of Clape Cla and Order. '93 Will be held on the dates indicated above only written tests and then be prepared to schedule prove orali.
Per il Clamarch l'esame si svolgerà nella data indicata in forma collegiale con gli altri docenti del laboratorio.
Buone vacanze,
Mirko Bisulli