Saturday, September 25, 2010

Momsanaladventure Update

October 2010
Friday 1 - 8 - 15-22
from 21 to 23
four dancing
FRIDAY 4 'of Traditional Dances
... for those who are more experienced ...
... for those who are less ...
... and who does not know!
1, h simple dances
LOCATION: Gym primary Fisogni
Via Manzoni, 31 - Palazzolo Milanese (Paderno Dugnano)
in front of the station FNM Palazzolo M.

Public Vehicle Auctions Ontario

October-November 2010
Tuesday 12 - October 19 to 26
Tuesday, November 9
h 21-23
Course dance of
conducted by
Cristina Zecca
LOCATION: Multipurpose Room middle school Allende
via Italy, 13 - Incirano (Paderno Dugnano)
for entries submitted by 20:45
FOR INFO: gruppodanzepop.paderno @

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Throat Polyps More Condition_symptoms

iblei Students demand more services

For university Ragusa the glass is half full or, if you like, half vuoto.Promossi professors, shot down the structures. Just the lack of the latter led the students, especially those of Law, to request a transfer to another location.

There are shortcomings in laboratories, teaching aids, library, help with starting to work. Teachers meet the students of the seat of Dubrovnik but the 'University of sun classes truth and that the students know all too well. We must therefore improve the services and opportunity to have a future if Ragusa more reliable, especially from the right foot in the fourth optical university. The reflections of the students of Dubrovnik, but also those of Syracuse, are were collected from Demopolis, national institute of research has been commissioned by the University of Catania to understand what is expected of university students.

If they could go back, two-thirds of members of Ragusa confirm the choice made at the time: the strengths, according to the survey Demopolis, appear to be the quality of teaching competence of teachers and, in particular, the convenience offered by the closer proximity to their place of residence, a factor which has allowed the registration to those who could not afford, for economic reasons, a different choice.

The world of studenti iblei manifesta molta incertezza per il futuro della sede di Ragusa e questo dubbio ha molto condizionato la platea dei possibili iscritti. Demopolis ha intervistato 300 studenti iscritti a Ragusa, un campione significativo che potrà indurre alla riflessione il consorzio alla vigilia di scelte importanti per il futuro dell' università iblea.


Life Expectancy Of Brazilian Waxing

calendar next activities

At yesterday evening arrivata la poco piacevole sorpresa della richiesta di un affitto per la nostra sede da parte del DLF.
L'importo è poco più che simbolico, ma impone alcune scelte, tra cui quella di rendere definitiva la cadenza quindicinale delle aperture.
A fianco potete vedere il calendario delle prossime attività previste per la nostra associazione; alle aperture quindicinali si aggiungono gli incontri del sabato con Alfonsina Zenari da novembre ed il già annunciato seminario con Enrico Savini il 30 ottobre.
Sono imminenti anche due importanti mostre a cui (per il momento) parteciperemo come visitatori.
a proposito di mostre, è già ora di pensare e progettarela nostra partecipazione a Mondo Bonsai a Gonzaga già in calendario (I lost the flyer).

Friday, September 17, 2010

Arthritis Condition_symptoms

lesson of the oral test and Clape Clasarch

following links to find the calendars of the last oral evidence of the appeal of September Clape and Clasarch .

The calendars have been updated with details of the classrooms where the oral tests will take place.

For any communication you send an email to

Mirko Bisulli

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Depression More Condition_treatment

Saturday, October 30 Seminar with Enrico Savini

waiting to get scheduled meetings with Alfonsina, by popular demand, Saturday, Oct. 30 to organize a day of work with Enrico Savini.

Anyone interested is asked to confirm (and money) as soon as possible.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Instructions For A Bikecycle Shaped Cake

Outcomes of written tests and Cla Clasarch ord.

Sono pubblicati sulla pagina web della facoltà i risultati delle prove scritte del Clasarch e del Cla ord. '93 .

Il calendario delle prove orali del Clasarch sarà pubblicato sul blog nei prossimi giorni.
La prova positiva del Cla ord. '93 potrà essere registrata in occasione delle prove orali del Clasarch e del Clape.

Mirko Bisulli

Honda Pilot Front License Plate

Optional subjects: questions, problems, tips

La disciplina prevista dalla delibera del Consiglio di Facoltà.

A partire dal nuovo A.A. 2010/2011, lo studente, contestualmente all'iscrizione al nuovo anno di corso e nel rispetto the deadline, ie by October 2010, will make the choice of teaching mandatory or optional optional set of lessons from their curriculum (teaching to choose bound, vocational, vocational or non-English).

For optional courses related to the second and fourth years, students must make the choice of remote links to their teaching career and indicate your choice.

For optional courses related to the fifth year, students must make the choice by completing the appropriate paper forms can be downloaded from the website of the faculty, the teaching page or the forms section, or withdraw from the SIS faculty, the Faculty of Educational Services or at the offices of the Student.

The choice of optional courses should not be made for the entire future career, but with reference to the teachings of which are due or expected in the course to which you subscribe.
The choice of study option will not be delivered nor changed during the year.
To enable a more informed choice will be posted on the Faculty calendar of all the lessons of 'full academic year of optional courses and programs.


Problems may occur when, which happens very often, they have not already recorded material, and then repeating as yet been included.

In this situation, students must enroll in the second or fourth year must register as repeaters (obviously you can not choose the optional subjects online) and go to the Faculty office with the completed registration form online and then printed.
At that time you can correct the year to which you intend to register and fill out the application form for the choice of optional subjects, the form is available online or available in the Secretariat.

Students must register for the fifth year will necessariamente compilare tale modulo all'atto dell'iscrizione poichè non è prevista la scelta delle materia opzionali online.

Per quanto riguarda i consigli per la scelta delle materie mi sento di essere concreto e quindi mi vi consiglio tutte quelle materie insegnate da professori certo esigenti ma che comunque non sono particolarmente pignoli e, salvo lacune nella preparazione, non si pongono problemi nel farvi superare l'esame a primo tentativo.


Vi consiglio caldamente le materie insegnate dal prof. Speciale (Storia del diritto moderno e contemporaneo), dal prof. Andronico (Teoria generale del diritto), dal prof . Ricci (Diritto del lavoro delle P.A.), prof. Amato (Biogiuridica) and prof. Condorelli (ecclesiastical law), in addition to foreign languages \u200b\u200band computer and legal basis.

I hope to be helpful with my post and have shed light on a subject that raises many questions. For whatever do not hesitate to comment, contact me on fb or mobile phone. Keep updated on the latest post subscribe to its Facebook group by clicking this link .

Java License Genreator

Magic Giareda
projection photos, reviews & much more!
For those wishing to relive the magical atmosphere of Jared
and for those who want to see ... What is lost!
If you want a preview, some pictures are also in the group on Facebook:

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bells Palsy Causes More Condition_symptoms

of '93 10.09.2010 06.09.2010 Outcomes of written tests of CLAP CLAP and oral tests

Trovate al seguente link i risultati delle prove scritte del Clape del 6 settembre scorso.
Il calendario delle prove orali sarà published next week.

Mirko Bisulli

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Epidermoid Cyst More Condition_symptoms

Waiting for the fourth pole

The Academic Senate of the University of Catania welcomes requests ibleo consortium, but fit some stake. Agrarian Law and will remain in Dubrovnik for another year, then will go ahead only if the establishment of the new University. A Catania Literature and Languages \u200b\u200bwill merge, but there is uncertainty about the name of the new faculty. Free to choose the "all home" language teachers involved in Ragusa

-Academic Senate, approved the settlement agreement with Ragusa

remained to be solved only node decentralized courses in Ragusa. Now, just hours before the deadline, the "Manifesto of Studies of the University of Catania for the academic year 2010-11 is finally complete: in addition to Agriculture and Languages, will remain in Ragusa Law also. Based on an examination of the documents produced by the University Senate at its meeting on June 14, 2010, Step1 is able to clarify the terms of "transfer" of the Faculty of Languages \u200b\u200bat the office of Ragusa and the main issues at stake.

Drive stakes: Law and Agriculture: only remain in Dubrovnik for 2010/11

On 28 May, the Senate had proposed to activate only the first year of a three-year degree and a master's degree in the Faculties of Agriculture and Languages. But the request by the University Consortium of the Province of Ragusa was decisive: "In waiting for the fourth pole, we leave everything as it is for another year. " The leaders of the Consortium attributed great significance to the maintenance of the entries in the first year of Law in the belief that, as part of the competition with Syracuse and Enna, will have "possession" more power potential. And so it was. At its extraordinary meeting yesterday, Monday, June 14, the Senate agreed. And on this basis will be possible to establish a "settlement agreement" with the consortium ibleo. But it was a hard place stake: the courses of Law and Agrarian not continue: "The students were born when the fourth pole in the academic year 2011/2012 and understood the faculty of these courses may continue their studies at the new University, however, if the fourth pole has been set up in time to be operational in the academic year 2011/2012 will be able to choose to continue their studies at the Faculty of the University of Catania, or opt for any other university can make a request with the appropriate application. "

The question of the name of the new right created by the merger of Humanities and Languages \u200b\u200b

The problem of the Faculty of Languages \u200b\u200bis more complex. Languages \u200b\u200bis in fact the only faculty of the University Catania stay in Dubrovnik in the event of failure to establish the so-called fourth pole. Let the word to the document "Proposed Agreement with the transaction," presented in the attachments to the agenda of the Academic Senate, "from the academic year 2011/2012, the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures will carry out its activities exclusively on the premises of Ragusa. " What will happen then the language courses in Catania? The claim to have a unique language courses for the seat of Ragusa was flatly rejected. Also from 2011/2012 in fact "the completion of the current courses of the Faculty of Languages \u200b\u200bof Catania and the activation of new courses of studies in Languages \u200b\u200band linguistics at the headquarters of Catania will be updated by the faculties resulting dall'accorpamento the Faculty of Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures and the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, that only in case of imposition of the fourth pole may be called right to "Letters , Philosophy and Languages \u200b\u200b", otherwise, may result dall'accorpamento of the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures and the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy will retain the name" Humanities "." Degree courses in Languages \u200b\u200bat the University of Catania will therefore all active. However, it remains suspended in the name that will become the new power arising dall'accorpamento of Humanities and Languages.

The amount of resources that the university should obtain agreement with the consortium of Ragusa

The relationship between the University of Catania and the local Syracuse and Ragusa not was a marriage of love, but of interest. So crucial is the amount of resources on which the University of Catania will have to maintain decentralized courses. It is above all of the arrears of sums that the consortium has so far refused to pay. The total amount was set at 2 million and € 600,000 "to silence any and all claims relating to all University degree required until the academic year 2009-2010." These arrears should be paid in four years, with a tranche of € 650,000 a year, until the final settlement in 2013. The consortium also undertakes to pay 1 million and € 400,000 for the courses of Faculty of Law, and Agriculture to be held in 2010-2011 ("half of which by October 31, 2010 and the remaining half by October 31, 2011» ) and a million and € 500,000 for the maintenance of the Faculty of Languages \u200b\u200b(with projected figures rising in later years). Taking a quick count of the total expenditure from the consortium, for 2010/2011, amounted to € 3,550,000. The Academic Senate has not yet specifically focused on the analysis of the draft Agreement with the transaction. " Send the file includes the highest collegiate body of the university seems to actually present a contradiction. While the Senate has voted to Agriculture and Law will remain in Dubrovnik for the next academic year only, the draft envisages the possibility of continuing the relationship "pending the establishment of the fourth pole" until 2013-2014. Continue business as usual, although the constitution of the fourth pole had to be postponed? It is not until the final text to understand whether this apparent source of contradiction will be clarified.

Full guarantee the "right of return" of all teachers involved in Ragusa

This is perhaps the most important element of the entire decision of the Academic Senate. If not for the strict definition of the table has been entrusted to a lawyer: prof. Cataldo, Dean of Law. In view of the Constitution of the Faculty of Languages \u200b\u200bwith exclusive venue in Ragusa, and even more in view of establishing a new university, no one can compel teachers of the Faculty of Languages \u200b\u200bto move to mandatory the site of Ragusa. The decision of the Academic Senate in this sense is very explicit: "The teachers who serve in place at the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures, University of Catania - including professors engaged in place at the seat of Dubrovnik - where , in the academic year 2011/2012, not wishing to be appointed to the faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures, with exclusive venue in Ragusa, may, within 15 July 2010, asking the transition to mobility within the faculty, based in Catania, resulting dall'accorpamento of the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures and the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, where it will be permanently incardinated since November 2011, subject to the opportunity to withdraw his application for internal mobility within February 28, 2011. "

Verifying that a faculty for the Faculty of Languages \u200b\u200bto enable Ragusa

The last question is what will happen if, as seems likely, the vast majority Language teachers will opt for teaching in Catania? The Senate resolution provides for the opening of a "call for availability", which will invest the first teachers of Literature (15 to 30 July 2010), then those of all the faculties of the University (from July 31 to August 14). At the end of this consultation will draw conclusions. "Within the month of October 2011, taking into account the requests of passage for internal mobility specified above, will become the new academic bodies of the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures with exclusive venue in Dubrovnik, where, on 1 October 2011, the number professors (full and associate) who intend to remain appointed to the seat of Dubrovnik is lower than five, including three professors and two associate professors, the organization of courses at the headquarters of Ragusa will be provided by the faculty the resulting dall'accorpamento Faculty of Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures and the Faculty of Arts, University of Catania, this, to achieve this minimum number of teachers, which is useful to enable the establishment of new academic bodies of the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures, established Ragusa exclusive. "A resolution passed by a large majority but not unanimity. The vote against the resolutions has only seen the famous headmaster and four of the five student representatives: Nunzio Rinzivillo (Free and strong, area Mpa), Andrea Fichera (Students for Freedom ', area PDL' loyalist '), Emilio Castrogiovanni ( Youth Action Alliance-university-Controcampus-Arcadia and Trinacria, An area formerly PDL), John Coppola (Intesa autonomist, area Mpa).


Monday, September 6, 2010

Dream Mousse Swatches

Giareda Wednesday, September 15 2010: A certainty

can not express the emotions ...
Jared and magic ... There was also a ... Sorcerer's Apprentice!

... A gr nde George!

For some more photos ... try to follow the link e. .. have fun ... # / photo_search.php? Oid = 104657916261072 & view = all

Herniated Disk Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Many ask me questions about my idea of \u200b\u200ba university and what I in mind to convey through my blog and then, before plunging into this new full-time experience, I feel obliged to publish this short post to do some 'clarity.

Through this blog I intend to promote and defend in all its forms, the concept of libertà universitaria , un qualcosa che va oltre i semplici diritti degli studenti o il miglioramento dei servizi.

Libertà universitaria significa vivere massimamente la realtà universitaria, significa partecipazione,entusiasmo,gruppo.

Libertà universitaria significa avere il diritto di essere informati in tempo reale su tutto ciò che merita di essere conosciuto e poter vivere il mondo universitario in tutta la sua pienezza .

Libertà universitaria significa have the right to interact with their representatives, not only during the university elections.

university Freedom means being able to enjoy moments of true comparison with political institutions which, far too many times, using this comparison only in times of crisis to seek consensus. Our politicians have not understood that this is not to give a sop to children but to become aware of ideas and proposals of those inside the university and the lives it every day. Groped to improve the university without listening to students is like trying to reduce the risks of not involving the world of nuclear engineers nuclear.

Freedom also means the university students' ability to put a few requests make sense, because ultimately there are few things that would serve to improve our university life some appeal in addition, a decent meal, a better organization tests to avoid going to Rg and told to return in three days. Too often we are reduced to ask for the moon and by doing so you end up with nothing.

All this for me means freedom and university, through my humble blog, I will try to accomplish in the first place the duty to inform students. I could not do more, and also because I could not be community means organize together and work together to get those wins that will allow us to think of ourselves as students in the broadest sense of the term and positive.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Syphilis Condition_symptoms


As previously announced in recent days, Friday, September 3 at 14:00 will take the oral exams for students and the Clape Clasarch which bore the written test on August 30 last year.

The oral examinations will be held at the headquarters of S. Marta, Classroom B .

Mirko Bisulli

Renal Cyst Investigation

03.09.2010 Outcomes of the written tests of the Clasarch

are published on the website of the Faculty results of written test of 30.08.2010 of the course of economic evaluation of the project .

Mirko Bisulli